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Panama: Panama City

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Quick Weekend Trip:

Well...This was a real quick trip! It was booked as an extended weekend trip with the girls. We probably spent more time taking each others pictures then site seeing. We did manage to do the Hop on/ Hop off tour which included the Panama Canal! We stayed at a Marriott right in the city for a couple nights (apartment style). I would have to revisit for an extended period of time in order to give this Country a fair review. I do want to suggest adding the Coffee Tour and try to do a day trip to Taboga Island! They have boat that range in price (according to speed) anywhere between $14-$20 roundtrip. Beware of aggressive tour guides...I've seen it in a few places where people will try to get you to pay them for "showing you" around even though you decline. Stand firm in your "No, thank you" and if they are persistent then break away as quickly as possible. Oh- also be sure to shop at the Artisan Market @ YMCA Balboa! You will find a mixture of tourist junk and real crafts.


Anyways, I included some pictures and will provide some basic information below for planning purposes!

Know B4 You Go:

  • Panama is considered relatively safe (as of the time of my visit). Just like any place you may visit- Be sure to take normal precaution and observe your surroundings at all times.

  • It was advised not to take Taxi's at night. Uber is recommended- I am not sure why but considering it's cheaper anyways that's no real biggie.

  • If you do take a Taxi, be sure to negotiate the price of the ride BEFORE the start of the ride.

  • English is spoken by some people but it's not really common.

  • Consider the Yellow Fever Vaccination- I didn't get it done and to my knowledge it's not wide spread but there are areas that cases have been reported. Bonus- if you plan on going to Africa in the near future you will be required to have the shot.

  • They accept the US Dollar- their currency is called "Balboa" but we used dollars and credit cards (note: CC were not used everywhere and cash is always "King").

  • The spend out here was not THAT cheap (but not too expensive in the less tourist spots). This Country is moderately priced compared to others in South America. You just need to know where to go for food and entertainment (think "hole in the wall" type restaurants).

  • If you want more adventurous activities you will need to go outside the city (Beaches, Scuba Diving, Indigenous Villages, History and Wildlife)

  • Fun Fact: Panama has a Rain Forest within the City limits.

  • If you want to keep expenses low then consider hostel dorms, use the bus system, eat at food stalls and small local restaurants. 

  • You can drink the water in many areas in the city (check as you move about to other areas).







            Be sure to check out my blog: "General Travel Tips" for info on how to prepare for any trip!

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